MPE 2023 Photos


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Thank you for making the MPE 2023 conference such a great success!

It felt good to be together again.

We truly hope you left Berlin full of inspiration, knowledge, and new experience.

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mpe 2023 List of participants

90 Sponsors, Exhibitors & Partners


MPE 2023: Agenda

160 SPEAKERS ON STAGE || 3 conference days || 4 tracks || Panel Discussions || Key note presentations || Break out sessions

MPE covered the latest technologies, trends & business models of merchant payment acceptance, checkout & conversion, fraud & security and changing customer shopping experience.


Chairs' Summaries

In one of the final sessions of Day 1, we con- tinued the debate on embedded payments which had already come up in different dis- guises, especially in the context of invisible pay- ments, throughout the Day. In his opening re- marks Geoff Barraclough set the scene well by identifying the technological changes that led SaaS platforms or ISVs to recognise payments as a profit driver. In most cases, this would re- quire partnerships and Geoff explained the challenges by referring to “payments are from Mars, software from Venus”.

Despite any challenges there was broad con- sensus that any of those can be overcome and partnerships can indeed by beneficial for both SaaS platform and payment provider. We dis- cussed how both platforms (in this case Guest- ly) and providers (in this case are approaching this space. What is important for the platform/software provider? How are payment providers working with their coun- terparts? How can they work together and achieve secure payment acceptance in an in- tegrated or embedded way? The debate then raised one final (controversial) question. Do we, as end customers, really want invisible payments? The conclusion at this point in time was that we want to a smooth and seamless user experience but with the additional need of val- idating or verifying the payment transaction. That additional step creates that additional lev- el of awareness about the transaction that is needed when people need to make decisions about affordability. But embedded payments is here to stay and will continue to evolve.

This year, the judges and I were so enthu- siastic about the semi-finals of the Innova- tion Corner Competition on Day 1, where we whittled down twelve competitors, pitching to our panel, Dragon’s Den-style. We were so impressed with the quality of entries and had a hard time deciding on a shortlist of only three to enter the finals in plenary on Day 2. We could easily have accommodated two more... But the rules are the rules! In my book, they were all winners, and we were glad MPE 2023 gave them the exposure they deserved. Before the public vote on Day 2, we listened to keynote presentations from Neil Caldwell (Visa) and Matthias Moll (Amazon Pay). Neil explored the merchant challenge of balanc- ing customer experience with security and how network tokenisation delivers a critical foundation for innovation. Matthias shared how Amazon bakes an innovative mindset into daily routines and how Amazon Pay can help merchants be innovative in meeting shoppers’ demands, ending with sharing his view on the future landscape for the shopper experience.

It was also my pleasure to moderate a panel on innovation with competition judges Ker- en Aviasaf Migdal (Worx Payments), Pavel Kaminsky (7Security), David Parker (Polymath Consulting) as well as Neil Caldwell (Visa) and Nabil De Marco (Amazon Pay). We explored the innovation potential in the payments ecosystem, what it takes to be a leader in the innovation game, and the technologies and experiences reshaping the payments ecosystem.

As we had representation from diverse eco- system players, we explored what “innovation” meant for each of them. As “user experience” proved to be a focus point, we discussed how customer experience is no longer focused on B2C and has now extended to all other facets of interaction (e.g., B2B, B2G, C2C, etc.). This led us to discuss the safety, security, and eco- nomic challenges the various payments eco- systems continue grappling with. We explored how innovations and new business models, such as interlinkages between rails, decen- tralised payment systems, new products, and technologies, need to evolve so as not to compromise the integrity of ecosystems, also covering how, during turbulent economies, merchants have changed strategies to react quickly to their customer’s changing needs. We ended the discussion with a crystal ball moment, where each panellist told us what they saw as the most exciting innovations for the next five years.

And this was a very good warm-up to the Innovation Hub Competition Final, with our three worthy finalists (Allink, Hands In and Pi-Xcels) pitching again to our Dragons, be- fore facing the live public vote. The winner of the public vote was Hands In. As the overall winner is determined by a combination of the public vote and the Judges’ scores, we had to wait for the glittering MPE 2023 Awards Cere- mony that evening, where the overall winner of the Best Start-up Innovation Award was announced. And the winner was... Hands In! Congratulations to them and all the competi- tors. Learn more about them HERE.

I look forward to seeing you at MPE 2024!

Session / Unlocking Global Markets

The Unlocking Global Markets panel session began with two insightful presentations:

1. Bank of America: Chris Jameson began by outlining how the global treasury land- scape is evolving and the importance of change drivers such as regulation, con- sumer preferences and technology. Chris discussed how the consumer payments landscape is becoming more complex, particularly with the arrival of decentral- ised payment products such as crypto, while banks are moving to real-time pay- ments in many markets. Chris wrapped up by providing several examples of product innovation from Paybybank to Zelle and real-time cross-border payments.
2. CMPSI: Maximilian Fuchs and Timo Pauget reflected in the increasing cost of accept- ance for merchants driven by scheme fees and interchange post-Brexit. They also highlighted the opportunities pre- sented by offering APMs to consumers at check-out to reduce costs and increase conversion. However, Max and Timo also discussed the importance of prioritisa- tion to avoid too much complexity at the check-out.

Following these presentations, the panel session had a very healthy discussion across a range of topics:

- The group talked through how offering consumer choice at the point of purchase can be very effective at driving up conver- sion, particularly in non-card-dominated markets, including Germany.
- There was a useful debate about how pro- viding consumers alternatives can lower transaction processing costs by offering bank transfer payments which are not linked to the value of the payment and do not have complex refund and consumer redress processes associated with them.
- The panel members discussed how to gather insights on local consumer pay- ment preferences and how to ensure that these remain up to date as consumer pay- ment preferences evolve.

Session / Local payment methods be- yond cards

The local payment method panel session be- gan with two insightful presentations:

1. Nuvei: Eelco Dettingmeijer provided some beneficial insights on why consumers want APMs. The presentation focussed on cultural preferences, security, convenience, access, and socio-economic factors but also highlighted some of the complexi- ties of managing multiple APMS, such as back-office reconciliation, monitoring con- sumer conversion and fraud management.
2. Stripe: Following Eelco’s presentation, Théo Blochet focused on enabling consumers to pay via APMs. He began by outlining that the complexities of managing multi- ple APMS are expanding exponentially. He then highlighted Stripe’s three tiers of sup- port for local payments, including dynamic payment product presentment, easy APM activation, and A&B testing to validate the use of new products.

Following these presentations, the panel session had a very healthy discussion across a range of APM-related topics:

- The group discussed a wide variety of case studies where APMs have delivered tangi- ble benefits to merchants. This included an insightful discussion on the successes of BLIK in Poland.
- There was a debate on the challenges of localisation and getting the required data to understand which products are suit- able in which markets. In particular, the challenges of the variety and pace or local regulation were discussed.

- Finally, the discussion focused on expand- ing APMs into the in-store use case; this began with the substantial role already played in the APAC region by several local/ regional mobile wallets using QR codes and wrapped up with developments with the European P2P mobile wallets in-store.

Despite the Metaverse being a work in pro- gress, the “Payments of Tomorrow: The Metaverse” discussion panel agreed unan- imously about its economic potential. The space is in rapid development, with fashion and events expected to reach a degree of maturity over the next couple of years. In this context, Faheem Bakshi, VP of Payments at Kinguin, and Roman Pavlov, Co-Founder at Mint Ventures XYZ, shared insights about how their companies are developing applications and providing services within the gaming and providing loyalty programmes and asset tokenization for fashion brands, respectively.

David Birch, Global Ambassador at Consult Hyperion, highlighted how the most probable enablers of the wider Metaverse are unlikely to be the big incumbent media players, that while being fast in making initial bold invest- ments a couple of years ago, they are now cutting back their Metaverse teams as part of cost rationalizations. Complementing this per- spective, Stephen Winyard, Chief Sales Officer at Salt Edge, advanced the view that retail and payments tech providers and new entrants are likely to be better positioned to drive the developments of the Metaverse.

Roman explained that wallets could take the multi-chain format and that in this transac- tion environment, albeit being perceived as fully digital, it is far from being so. Rather it is a hybrid digital/physical space in which virtual and physical features complement each other to enable and secure access and interactions. This is not only for the need to ramp on and ramp off of monetary value from fiat to digital and virtual currencies but also for the value of physical features, such as biometrics, for user and transaction authentication. While some key building blocks still need to develop fully - namely digital identity, something that David Birch explained is currently being worked on - payment-wise, the panel unanimously agreed on the central role of wallets to hold and ena- ble the transfer of value.

The panel was moderated by Francesco Burel- li, Partner at Arkwright Consulting AG.

Aligning talent with strategy; organisations benefit when strategic input at the executive level includes the Talent agenda. Frequently, investment in training, career development, and mentoring takes second place. This was reflected in a poll question we posed to the audience, asking whether they received the right level of training, development and coaching to help them exceed in their role – only 67% replied ‘yes’. Two potential outcomes from this statistic would be a decline in em- ployee motivation and overall customer experience.

We see the boundaries of the payments sector expanding rapidly, so our opportunity is to be more intentional and creative in the way we look to attract future ‘next generation’ Talent, train and develop our incumbents, and ‘signpost’ the sector to others as an exciting place to develop their careers. A recent report from Deloitte stated that the ability to attract and retain Talent within Payments and Fin- Tech had become a competitive advantage.

We were delighted that the audience want- ed to continue the Q&A beyond our allocated time, and we intend to continue these conver- sations actively. The exciting outcome of MPE 2023 is that the ‘People for Payments’ track was firmly established as an important and strategic pillar for future MPE events.

The presentations and discussions centred around how the players in the industry can better utilise their primary internal data to increase revenues & monetise their data or to utilise partner data in this respect, how to manage better fraud and knowledge of their users resolving internal data to move from a data swamp to a valuable data lake.

Hubert O’Donoghue (CEO of AIB Merchant services) presented how the JV of Bank/Ac- quirer utilises primary internal payment data merging both bank and acquirer data to gen- erate much more valuable and useful insights for their merchant customers in a visual man- ner, e.g., anonymised data analyses of new vs repeat customers, demographics, transaction numbers and values visualised on dashboards and maps.

Steven Renwick (TILORES CEO/Co-Founder) showed how internal data on users and trans- actions could be better analysed historically to show links between multiple users and their associated data, enabling effective resolution of this data. This deep historical analysis helps ongoing real-time assessment of new users and transactions against this data to minimise fraud and maximise customers’ utility. The panel discussion was joined by Marco Conte (Congrify CEO/Co-founder) & Mateusz Jakitowicz (Blue Media – Payment Data Prod- uct Director); in summary, better use can and should be made of internal data which is in itself sufficient in most use cases, partner data should be utilised if legally possible such as schemes’ data which could be better shared, consumer preferences vary by market, but consumers can be incentivised by money/ offers to share more data; monetisation of customer data is certainly possible. The pan- el didn’t feel the EU digital ID would change fraud/ID certainty much when it became ubiquitous. Much more can and needs to be done by companies to maximise the utility of their data.

Despite the scheduling on day three, the customer experience panel discussion was lively and could draw on many of the themes dis- cussed earlier in the conference. Happily, we were supported by plenty of comments from the audience.

Davide Messina from Mastercard began by outlining the building blocks the schemes are putting in place from which the payment ser- vice providers (PSP) and software companies (ISVs) can construct seamless customer ex- periences. These components include tokeni- sation and Click to Pay. The former is already a critical element of European infrastructure, and it’s now hard to imagine life before to- kenisation. The latter may be five years too late. Click to Pay competes with established technologies, including Apple/Google Pay and PayPal.

The audience was particularly interested in the presentation from Paul Pike of Intelligent Venue Solutions. Paul provides technology for large music festivals or, as he described it, “a temporary city in a field.” The move to contactless has enabled festivals to go cash- free, reducing costs and increasing revenue, including from traders who can no longer de- clare their earnings to the organisers. Money is taken using a fleet of 3.500 payment termi- nals which need to work reliably and safely in some very challenging environments. Paul explained that the devices connected using Bluetooth to routers linked to local satellite WiFi Stations.

At festivals, contactless is increasingly sup- planting the close-loop payment systems using dedicated bracelets, which have been the fashion for many years. But wearables are back, according to Terrie Smith from Digiseq. She announced a new partnership with Curve which will allow individuals to provide their payment card credentials to any wearable device enabled for the new service. Until now, consumers needed to use the card credentials provided with the device, proving to be a bar- rier to adoption. This innovation is also hoped to support new form factors and use cases for wearables.

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MPE 2023 event coverage by MPs, speakers, award winners

MPE Awards 2023 logo

Recognising & Rewarding Expertise & Innovation in Merchant Payments Ecosystem!

The MPE 2023 AWARDS VIRTUAL CEREMONY was a part of the 16th annual MPE 2023 (Merchant Payments Ecosystem)

MPE Awards 2023 - Shortlisted & Winners

Category sponsored by:

Web Shield logo

This award will go to the merchant acquirer who has demonstrated success in their merchant relationships through the provision of excellent products and services. Size doesn’t matter. Geography doesn’t matter. This category is open to all acquirers who strive to be best of breed.

Shortlisted parties

Cashflows logo
Elavon logo
Trust Payments
Trust Payments logo

... and the winner is

Elavon logo

PR release

According to the criteria, in the " MERCHANT ACQUIRER OF THE YEAR " Category, the Award goes to the merchant acquirer who has demonstrated success in their merchant relationships through the provision of excellent products and services. Size doesn’t matter. Geography doesn’t matter. This category is open to all acquirers who strive to be best of breed.

„The winner showed a willingness to flex their strategy in Europe and beyond, the diversity of their customer base which encompasses SMEs and major cross border giants of industry, ensuring quality from the point of interaction through to the operational areas. The judges commended the major focus on chargeback management which added considerable value to the customer base,“ commented Neira Jones, the Chairman of the MPE 2023 Awards Judging Panel.

Hemlata Narasimhan, President of Elavon Europe said: “Putting customers first and doing the right thing is in our DNA, and being named Merchant Acquirer of the Year just reinforces our core beliefs and values in serving our customers. We’re grateful for this industry recognition, and proud of each and every one of our team who made this possible,”

This Awards Category is Sponsored by: Webshield
Marc Bongers, Chief Commercial Officer, Webshield: commented “As a service provider for acquiring banks, we work with a multitude of exceptional companies around the globe and therefore possess a keen understanding of what it takes to be a great acquirer. Elavon's dedication to innovation and customer-centricity sets a standard, and this award is well-deserved.”

Category sponsored by:

BR-DGE logo

This award will go to the provider who launched an innovative solution in the last 18 months that can demonstrate tangible benefits to merchants regarding fraud prevention, identity, or authentication (e.g., support of SCA migration). The entry must include quantifiable data to show the product’s impact on its clients through use of technology (e.g., analytics, AI, biometrics, etc.). The data analytics must be relevant to the fraud area.

Shortlisted parties

Forter logo
GoCardless logo
Signifyd logo

... and the winner is

Forter logo

PR release

According to the criteria, in the "MOST INNOVATIVE FRAUD PREVENTION SOLUTION", Category, the Award goes to the provider who launched an innovative solution in the last 18 months who demonstrated tangible benefits to merchants regarding fraud prevention, identity, or authentication, including quantifiable data to show the product’s impact on its clients through the use of technology.

" The judges thought that strong metrics a vast database, predictive modeling, and machine learning, as well as receive real-time data has significantly increased approval rates while also materially reducing decline, chargebacks & penalties," said Neira Jones, the Chairman of the MPE 2023 Awards Judging Panel.

Aaron Begner, general manager of EMEA, Forter commented: "Forter is thrilled to be named the Most Innovative Fraud Prevention Solution at the MPE Berlin Awards. Our mission has always been to help merchants build trust across the digital commerce journey. We‘re grateful to MPE for recognizing our team‘s commitment to furthering this mission, driving innovation and serving customers."

Thomas Gillan, CEO BR-DGE, the category sponsor, said:

“BR-DGE were thrilled to support the Most Innovative Fraud Prevention Solution at MPE 2023, and huge congratulations to the winning team at Forter. Fraud prevention and security has been cited as one of the top concerns amongst consumers and therefore is of upmost importance for merchants, when managing their end-to-end payments workflow. It is great to see the innovation from Forter being recognised.“

This Award goes to the company that uses Data Analytics or AI to support merchants in any way that is NOT involved in Fraud prevention. To stress, this is not about Fraud Prevention using AI/Data analytics but covers areas such as loyalty, customer engagement, customer & merchant support/service, etc. Either technology, platform, or merchants may enter the award.

Shortlisted parties

AIB Merchant Services
AIB Merchant Services logo
Allegro logo
Transact365 logo

... and the winner is

Allegro logo

PR release

According to the criteria, in the " BEST USE OF DATA ANALYTICS " Category, the Award goes to the technology, platform provider or merchant that demonstrates substantial benefits through the use of Data Analytics or AI in any way that is NOT involved in Fraud prevention and covers areas such as loyalty, customer engagement, or customer & merchant support and service.

“This company provides their merchants with instant financing services including working capital, BNPL, cash advances on listed offers, and promotion fee coverage. Also, their marketplace showcases how embedded Merchant Financing, based on marketplace UX and merchant lifecycle knowledge, can be more responsive to merchant needs and challenge traditional credit offerings," commented Neira Jones, the Chairman of the MPE 2023 Awards Judging Panel.

Ewa Kraińska, B2B Financial Services Senior Manager, Allegro said:
„Allegro is proud of being recognized by the MPE jury for the Merchant financing solution (best used of data analytics). We keep working on introducing the most useful and efficient embedded finance for our business users. Merchant financing allows our Sellers to receive working capital or get cash advance without much effort. Such an award just confirms that not only our users but also market Experts do recognize our effort.“

This award is open for solution providers that support merchants to grow revenue by opening up by expanding sales across borders while reducing risks and complexities.

Shortlisted parties

Banking Circle
Banking Circle logo
Outpayce from Amadeus
Outpayce from Amadeus logo
PPRO logo

... and the winner is

PPRO logo

PR release

According to the criteria, in the " BEST CROSS-BORDER MERCHANT SOLUTION " Category, the Award is open for solution providers that support merchants to grow revenue by opening up and expanding sales across borders while reducing risks and complexities.

This company was the first to deploy dedicated support to PSPs and their merchants in unlocking non- card payments. PSPs can tap into their infrastructure to speed up target market entry without needing to establish a local presence. They are seen by the judges as the Number One enabler of cross-border payments," commented Neira Jones, the Chairman of the MPE 2023 Awards Judging Panel.

Andrew Edem, Head of Innovation, PPRO said:

“We’re honoured to have won the ‘Best Cross-Border Merchant Solution’ Award at this year’s MPE Awards, a true testament to our industry-leading digital payments infrastructure that’s helping merchants break into cross-border markets faster and increasing their revenue.

Our Chief Growth Officer Oliver Rajic also received the “MPE Influencer Of The Year” Award, for his significant contribution to the merchant payment ecosystem from an orchestration perspective. Thank you to the judges, our partners and all those that voted for us; we look forward to continuing to innovate in the payments space, helping to drive it forward for our customers.”

This award will go to the organization that has developed the most innovative in-store payment acceptance solution that provides value and differentiation for merchants and a great payments experience for customers.

Shortlisted parties

Carat from Fiserv
Carat from Fiserv logo
Trust Payments
Trust Payments logo
Worldline logo

... and the winner is

Trust Payments
Trust Payments logo

PR release

According to the criteria, in the " BEST IN-STORE PAYMENTS SOLUTION",
Category, the Award goes to the organization that has developed the most innovative in-store payment acceptance solution that provides value and differentiation for merchants and a great payments experience for customers.

The judges were impressed by how this company built a comprehensive in-store retail solution that encompasses EPOS capabilities, retail operations, customer engagement and integrated payments, with a clear focus on mobility. This was a tightly contested category!" said Neira Jones, the Chairman of the MPE 2023 Awards Judging Panel.

Daniel Holden, CEO of Trust Payments, said: "We are committed to providing our customers with innovative payment solutions that are secure, reliable, and convenient. We also believe that our success should be shared with our communities and the environment, and we will continue to work towards creating a sustainable future. Trust Payments recognition at the MPE Awards is a testament to the company‘s commitment to providing exceptional payment services while promoting sustainability and social responsibility.”

Open to PSPs, ISOs, Facilitators, Aggregators, PAAS Providers, Acquirers and Acquiring-as-a-Service providers, this award will go to the provider who can demonstrate real benefits to merchants either in terms of omnichannel or multi- rail payment acceptance service provision facilitation, embedded finance, customer experience, innovative commercial constructs, or other demonstrable and quantifiable merchant benefits (e.g. fraud reduction, chargebacks management, payments optimisation, value-added services, etc.).

Shortlisted parties

Cashflows logo logo
Outpayce from Amadeus
Outpayce from Amadeus logo

... and the winner is

Outpayce from Amadeus
Outpayce from Amadeus logo

PR release

According to the criteria, in the "BEST MERCHANT PAYMENT ACCEPTANCE PROVIDER", Category, the Award goes to organisation who can demonstrate real benefits to merchants either in terms of omnichannel or multi-rail payment acceptance service provision facilitation, embedded finance, customer experience, innovative commercial constructs, or other demonstrable and quantifiable merchant benefits.

This year has seen a strong line up in this category and was closely contested. The winner this year demonstrated that their proposition continues to push the boundaries in advancing payment acceptance through use of innovation, ease of use and increasing value-add benefits for both merchants and customers," commented Neira Jones, the Chairman of the MPE 2023 Awards Judging Panel.

Angelina Babic, Payment Platform Product Manager, Outpayce from Amadeus, commented:

“Outpayce is committed to simplifying travel payments, and our Xchange Payment Platform (XPP) is at the forefront of this mission. Travel players must contend with accepting a wide variety of complex international payments, and XPP makes it easy to visualise, understand and manage these flows, while also giving our customers easy access to payments innovation. We’d like to thank our many airline customers for their support and engagement in refining XPP, as well as our 100+ partners who add to the richness of our platform. Congratulations to all MPE Award winners!”

Beatrice Bouju, Head of Partnerships, Outpayce from Amadeus said:
“Winning the 2023 Best Merchant Payment Acceptance Provider Award for Outpayce is a fantastic achievement for our team.
Outpayce from Amadeus is committed to deliver best in class global payment solutions. The 2023 MPE award highlights Outpayce’s transformational role in the global travel industry. We are thankful to our partners for helping us cocreate to deliver rich functionality to global markets.”

This award will go the organization offering the best, most comprehensive, most useful platform or marketplace supporting merchants or other players in the merchant payments ecosystem such as banks, PSP, service providers, consumers with solutions in any area of the ecosystem.

Shortlisted parties

Connectpay logo
Mangopay logo
Nuvei logo

... and the winner is

Mangopay logo

PR release

According to the criteria, in the "BEST PLATFORM/ MARKETPLACE PROVIDER",
Category, the Award goes the organization offering the best, most comprehensive, most useful platform or marketplace supporting merchants or other players in the merchant payments ecosystem such as banks, PSP, service providers, consumers with solutions in any area of the ecosystem.

This company ranked best in each of the assessed criteria. With the largest customer base in excess of 2,500 marketplaces with global coverage, it also offers the widest scope of core services and value- added services." commented Neira Jones, the Chairman of the MPE 2023 Awards Judging Panel.

Guido Kuhring, Head of Sales Central and Northern Europe, Mangopay, comments:
“We are very proud to be recognised as Best Platform and Marketplace Provider by MPE. This recognition rewards our vision and the energy we put into building the most comprehensive payment environment to suit each marketplace and platform's needs. This is a shared, company-wide award. It represents the daily hard work we do in every aspect of the business and how we devote ourselves to designing, building, marketing, selling and operating the most effective payment platform for global marketplaces and platforms.”

Category sponsored by:

Tietoevry Banking logo

It is awarded to the company that best uses open banking data or a payment initiation solution that drives end- userpayments to or from merchants or to create a better customer experience as part of the payment process. Includes enabling loans at the point of sale and all account-to-account payments.

Shortlisted parties

Nuapay logo logo
Trustly Group
Trustly Group logo

... and the winner is

Nuapay logo

PR release

According to the criteria, in the " BEST USE OF OPEN BANKING FOR PAYMENTS " Category, the Award goes to the company that best uses open banking data or a payment initiation solution that drives end-user payments to or from merchants or to create a better customer experience as part of the payment process. Includes enabling loans at the point of sale and all account-to-account payments.

„Facilitating payments of more than 42 billion euros per year for financial entities, this company brings innovative and complete technologies integrating instant payment, SEPA direct debits and open banking solutions, helping merchants to embrace modern payments based on open banking,“ commented Neira Jones, the Chairman of the MPE 2023 Awards Judging Panel.

Brian Hanrahan, CEO, Nuapay said:
"This is a significant win for us, as the Merchant Payment Ecosystem conference and awards ceremony is a major event in the European fintech industry. I want to acknowledge the team's dedication to providing innovative Open Banking solutions that save businesses time, money, and resources. This award is a testament to our progress and reinforces our commitment to driving the future of payments."

This category was sponsored by Tietoevry.

Andrejs Vinakovs, Senior Product Manager, Tietoevry, commented:

“Enabling businesses to receive funds fast, easy and reliably is essential for the future development of our economy. And we believe that Open Banking is an essential element of this future. And this is the reason, we have chosen to sponsor this awar category.”

Open to any technology provider helping merchants, issuers or acquirers to streamline their regulatory compliance operations in the areas of regulatory reporting, risk management, identity management & control, compliance and transaction monitoring. This may include compliance with regulations such as PSD2, AML, VAT, etc. as well as industry compliance requirements such as 3DS, PCI DSS, etc. Actual metrics and KPIs must be provided in the answers. Case studies (max 2) are welcome to support the entry. The solution must have been commercially live for at least two years.

Shortlisted parties

KYP logo
Netcetera logo
PCI Proxy
PCI Proxy logo

... and the winner is

Netcetera logo

PR release

According to the criteria, in the " BEST REGTECH SOLUTION" Category, the Award goes to any technology provider helping merchants, issuers or acquirers to streamline their regulatory compliance operations in the areas of regulatory reporting, risk management, identity management & control, compliance or transaction monitoring.

„As long as there are criminals performing fraud it is reassuring to know that there are companies like this trying to prevent it - They demonstrated in-depth knowledge, applied expertise, the pursuit of perfection and continuous improvement - reducing fraud and improving payment experiences.,“ commented Neira Jones, the Chairman of the MPE 2023 Awards Judging Panel.

Peter Frick, Managing Director of Secure Digital Payment at Netcetera, said:

“The MPE Best Regtech award for the Netcetera 3DS Server and SDK is a recognition of our dedication to creating authentic and reliable solutions that absorb the needs of our customers. It’s a confirmation of the professionalism of Netcetera’s highly qualified teams. That is why we dedicate this prestigious award to all great minds working on the solutions and to our customers and payment partners whose work aligns with our mission to secure the digital payment world. Thank you for trusting us. We promise to keep delivering excellence in all we do for you.”

This award goes to the payments orchestration platform that unifies the various aspects of payments processing and enables merchants to optimise their payment processes and simplify the ongoing management of payments acceptance. The judges will be looking for ease of integration, connectivity choice, acceptance & conversion rates, fraud protection improvements, reconciliation & settlement simplification, enhanced analytics and reporting as well as security and compliance. Actual metrics and KPIs must be provided in the answers. Case studies (max 2) are welcome to support the entry. The solution must have been commercially live for at least one year.

Shortlisted parties

ACI Worldwide
ACI Worldwide logo
WLPayments logo

... and the winner is

ACI Worldwide
ACI Worldwide logo

PR release

According to the criteria, in the "BEST PAYMENTS ORCHESTRATION SOLUTION" Category, the Award goes to the platform that unifies the various aspects of payments processing and enables merchants to optimise their payments processes and simplify the management of their payments stack from start to finish.

„The winner was the company that demonstrated its ability to give: greater control over data, improve transactional flows and create new business rules, create new revenue opportunities through business intelligence and take advantage of ISO 20022 and APIs,“ commented Neira Jones, the Chairman of the MPE 2023 Awards Judging Panel.

Debbie Guerra, CPO, ACI Worldwide

“We are honored to receive this recognition from Merchants Payments Ecosystem (MPE) as the Best Payments Orchestration Solution, acknowledging the investment we have made in creating a unified, sophisticated, customer-centric Payments Orchestration Platform that optimizes conversion, enables growth, and reduces the cost of ownership in payments,” said Debbie Guerra, ACI Worldwide’s Chief Product Officer. “I would be remiss if I did not thank the amazing team of professionals across the entire ACI Worldwide organization who were involved in the development of this solution and who continue to innovate and enhance our payments orchestration to support our customers as they evolve their payment flows and expand to capitalize on new trends.”

Category sponsored by:

AIB Merchant Services logo

Open to any payments businesses with a clear and well-developed ESG strategy who can demonstrate how their strategy is making a substantial positive impact in any of the E,S,G pillars, particularly when supported by technology. This will show evidence of how progress is being made against specific near and long-term objectives such as net-zero, carbon offsetting, UN Sustainable Development Goals, social purpose and supply chain transparency goals. Entries should include a case study of a live initiative or programme as well as up-to-date supporting data/evidence of its impact against the set objectives and a clear definition of KPIs.

Shortlisted parties

Trust Payments
Trust Payments logo

... and the winner is

Trust Payments
Trust Payments logo

PR release

According to the criteria, in the CHAIRMAN’S AWARD – BEST ESG INITIATIVE IN PAYMENTS" Category, the Award goes to For 2023, the Chairman’s Award goes to the organization with a clear and well-developed ESG strategy and the winner demonstrated how they made a substantial positive impact in any of the E,S,G pillars, particularly when supported by technology.

„Trust Payments demonstrated positive Environmental impact though migrating from in-house
to cloud-based, procuring the bulk of electricity from fully renewable sources, preventing electronic waste through refurbishment, reuse and recycling of IT equipment, and establishing a “Green Team” to identify opportunities for sustainability improvements deployed through various employee engagement initiatives. Social responsibility was evidenced through their “Kickstart” programme, supporting young people with limited opportunities, as well as achieving a female gender balance ratio between 35-42% of the workforce. Governance was achieved through incorporating climate & social risk as new categories within their Enterprise Risk Management framework and a clear set of KPIs,“ commented Neira Jones, the Chairman of the MPE 2023 Awards Judging Panel.

Daniel Holden, CEO of Trust Payments, said: "We are committed to providing our customers with innovative payment solutions that are secure, reliable, and convenient. We also believe that our success should be shared with our communities and the environment, and we will continue to work towards creating a sustainable future. Trust Payments recognition at the MPE awards is a testament to the company‘s commitment to providing exceptional payment services while promoting sustainability and social responsibility.”

This Category is Sponsored by: AIB Merchant Services
Hubert Hubert O'Donoghue, CEO, AIB Merchant Services commented: “Trust Payments have a well-articulated and robust approach to their ESG strategy. They did a fantastic job of showcasing the positive impacts that ESG can have in the payments space, when underpinned by strong technology. Heartfelt congratulations to their team on this win"

To be awarded to the individual (or team) who has provided a significant contribution to the development of the Merchant Payments Ecosystem either on a domestic or international basis.

... and the winner is

Oliver Rajic, Chief Growth Officer & GM APAC @ PPRO
Oliver Rajic

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